Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Music's Next Explosion: Karl Remy

Karl Remy: Music's Next Explosion
by, Billy Mumphrey 
The world loves underdog stories and this is surly one of them.
The Music Industry is a hard and cruel monster to tackle, spitting out the hopes and dreams of thousands of artists who try to "make-it" every year. But, there's one artist who refuses to give in and that, is Karl Remy.
Karl Remy and his killer band, Travis Montgomery, Brian Petrivelli, and Phillip Jackson Keenan, have been through many ups and downs over the last three years, playing hundreds of small gigs throughout the south. Their music, which is a cross between rock and roll and country, has become very popular regionally and is now spreading into other areas of the United States. The one thing that stands out about Karl and the band is that they are definitely the kind of people who get places as their "never-give-up" attitude oozes from their music. They are diamond polished, ground up and ground up by years of the road and rejection, that every show they play now is an almost perfect set. They are brash, loud, and carry a heavy message: they are here to stay. Remy and Band recently just played one of their biggest venues yet, performing at the Atlanta Speedway before the NASCAR race. Also, their song "Cowboy Rage" was used by the Wrangler Network for the Professional Bull Riding Promos.
Local Big Time had the chance to catch up with lead, Karl Remy for an Interview:

1. You just performed at the Atlanta Motor Speedway, what was that like and how were the NASCAR Fans?
Remy: Dude, it was a success and by success I mean a huge step for our career. I remember starting out playing my first burger joint south of Atlanta 2 years ago. I was so nervous and excited to play in front of 50 people, and now I am playing shows and a Fox news camera is in my face while performing. Every step forward is a win and of course the NASCAR fans are definitely my kind of crowd! 
2. When writing a song, where do you draw for your Inspiration?
Remy: Like every artist, I like to think I am pretty smart and a great writer, haha, but the truth is, it normally comes from a life experience or some sort of heart break. I try to keep what I do really simple.
3. You're music has a little edge to it, where does that edge come from?
Remy: Man I literally love AC/DC and most rock & roll! However, I grew up on a small farm!  Tractors and driving with my dad down the road in an old Chevy to get grain from the Randolph feed mill, was how I remember my childhood! So, I guess that's where the two worlds collide and out comes this edgy Country tone!

4. What about Music makes you the most happy?
Remy: Hands down, it’s the people! Or when I am chilling with my buddies singing some ridiculous cover and drinking a beer!  It's a toss-up.

5. What can we expect from upcoming Karl Remy Music?
Remy: You can expect that Edge.  I literally used to be called Crazy Karl. So you can expect to be shocked with every step I take haha. But I promise you are going to love the new stuff.


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